Thursday, September 14, 2017

Launch Party! Come Celebrate The Toronto Book of the Dead!

After years of researching, writing, and editing, The Toronto Book of the Dead is officially being released this weekend! And you can already find it popping up on the shelves of bookstores across the city.

To celebrate, we're throwing a party on Friday night (Sept. 15). Come to the Spacing Store from 7:30–10:30 to hang out, have a few drinks, and chat about Toronto's morbid history. The event is being supported by the International Festival of Authors as part of their Toronto Lit Up book launch series, it's completely free, and the Spacing Store is a magical place filled with amazing Toronto memorabilia even on nights it doesn't have beer... so I hope to see you there!

The Toronto Book of the Dead is published by Dundurn Press. It explores the history of the city through the stories of some of its most fascinating and illuminating deaths: tales of war and plague, of duels and executions, of suicides and séances. It covers everything from ancient First Nations burial mounds to the grisly murder of Toronto’s first lighthouse keeper; from the rise and fall of the city’s greatest Victorian baseball star to the final days of the world’s most notorious anarchist. You can order it from Indigo here, Amazon here, or find it at your favourite local bookstore.

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