Monday, April 27, 2015

The Dreams Project in the New Issue of Spacing

Spring is finally here, which means the new issue of Spacing magazine is too. And since thisissue includes one of my own pieces, I thought I'd write a quick note to let you know about it. The theme of the cover section this month is the sky. Which made it a perfect fit for a version of my post about the day in the fall of 1950 when the sun went weird in the skies above Toronto:

"The sun was most ominous of all. For most of the day, it was hidden behind those dark, swirling, purple clouds. But in the few brief moments when it did shine out from between them, it was shining the wrong colour: a frightening blue-mauve. It cast no shadows. And it shone with no rays."

The launch party for the issue is happening on Tuesday night, April 28th from 7pm to midnight at the Jam Factory on the east bank of the Don River, which is supposed to have a spectacular view of the skyline. It's $10 — which includes a copy of the magazine and $5 for FLAP (Fatal Light Awareness Program), which helps to save birds from flying into windows.

You'll find all the details on Facebook, here.

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